Bake and Destroy! just posted a bunch of
sweet apron sites, and I've been looking to get me a sweet apron for a while now. I found some on one of the Etsy sellers she posted called
Boojiboo and I'm totally going to buy one but I can't decide which. Help me out!
Pink cupcakes with Brown Trim: because cupcakes are the best thing to bake/eat.
Pink cupcakes with hot pink trim: Can't decide if it's too much pink for me.
Blue cupcakes! Cute. This is one of my top choices so far.
Black with bird cages: This is my other top choice.
Blue with yellow flowers: Pretty. But too old-lady?
Lavender flowers: Also pretty. And girly. And, possibly, elderly.
White with trees and orange trim: Oh, I like this one a lot, too! Jeez. How am I going to pick?
Owls: Everyone knows I enjoy owls.
So those are the top contenders. I have no idea what I'm going to pick, but they're all pretty so I know I'll end up with something good.
Off topic:
Annoyance of the week:
Built By Wendy sample sale was a couple weeks ago. I ordered this super-cute flowery top-thing for $10 (with shipping it ending up being $21... steeeeeep.), was all excited, found out a few days ago that it's sold out! They returned my money and everything, but still. Totally lame. I have been let down.
Anyway, I'm (not really) watching
Dancing with the Stars, waiting for
Castle to come on (no, not
that Castle.) It's a pretty nice show--
Castle, I mean, not
DWTS. (Anything that forces Lil Kim to wear clothes is obviously an act of the devil. Not that I enjoy seeing her lady bits all hanging-out and whatnot, but at least when I hear she's been publicly indecent I know
some things are right in the world.)
I'm going to go drown under a pile of homework now. Catch you later, internetz.